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Book of Birthdays!

My entry into the crafting world started with scrapbooking. I was in high school, and I remember making scrapbooks with my mom for friends and family. I started making scrapbooks to record my own memories my senior year in high school, and continued scrapbooking until I graduated college. And then - don't judge - I haven't made a scrapbook for over 10 years. I still save movie stubs, maps, boarding passes, etc. in a big box in my closet in the hope that one day I'll have time to make one again. I'm a scrapbook hoarder.

In the meantime, I've been making a Book of Birthdays for my cutie pie neice and nephew.

Every year for their birthday, I make one page for each of them with pictures, poems, and fun times from our last year together. I'm hoping that when they're older, they can remind themselves of all of the memories we shared by going through the pages of the scrapbook.

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